Thursday, November 26, 2015

Writing Bad Reviews on AliExpress (Rant)

This is mostly for AliExpress reviewers because I buy from there quite a bit.

Online shopping is super exciting, isn't it? You do not have to actually drive or go somewhere to find stuff, you can find it all from the comfort of your home and laptop! It's also super convenient because the stuff gets to be shipped to your house and it's all sorts of crazy fun.

But when you receive an item that was 180 degrees different from what you were expecting, you better warn other people. Or if you received bad customer service. 

To the people of Russia that buy from AliExpress, the majority of you guys write good reviews, so kudos to you guys! I just wish I could actually read them without having to use a translator.

To the other majority of people that buy from AliExpress and simply write "good" or "bad" while only giving 3 stars, please do elaborate.

I make an effort to write a huge paragraph about my purchase so that other people know what they will be getting. Even if the item is good and there isn't much to say, it is still a good idea to include if the item looks like the images the seller provides, or if the shipping was delayed or anything.

There are people that also provide images too which are great. It would be nice if they could describe the item too though that may or may not be able to be seen in a picture. Like if a t-shirt is sheer or not, if it is of a good material that won't fall apart in the washer, etc. 

Anyway, there's my rant.

For those of you that agree with me and will make an effort to change your reviews too,


From a fellow Aliexpress consumer.

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