Thursday, November 26, 2015

My Scheming Blackhead Removal Mask Review

I finally bought this product! It was around $15 on, and the shipping takes less than 5 days if you are from the United States.

I've tried this thing multiple times now (maybe around 3-4 times?) and I've tried to switch up some things.

A certain YouTuber from the UK has a couple of videos online on this product, and her first try was a fail because she followed the instructions on the box (based on what I can read, the English instructions are a direct translation from the Chinese version, so everyone that thinks that they're doing it wrong, they're not because those are the exact instructions in Chinese). Her second try, after listening to some comments, produced much better results.

Because I wanted to make sure I get the best results too, I followed her successful attempt. I don't know if it's because my blackheads are stubborn or something, but I didn't get as many blackheads pulled out as this YouTuber had. It still got out a decent amount though.

Even after my second and third attempt, my nose still looked the way it was before, just the pores were less darker. The mask definitely does pull out some stuff, but probably just the surface of the blackheads, that's why mine are all so short.

The things that I try to change after each attempt is whether or not I leave my nose wet before applying the mask. I also have tried applying the mask after a shower, without using the pore softener, and still got okay results.

My blackheads are probably just stubborn.

Pictures will be available at the end of this post.

I have noticed that you want to apply a super thick layer of this mask, especially around the edges of wherever you stop applying it. This way it is easy to remove, leaving little to no residue. The mask takes forever to dry, by the way, so give yourself a good hour or two to do all of the steps. Also, this mask is super annoying to wash off; you'll need to really rub against your skin to get it all off (if you have any leftovers on your skin though).


Price: $15, which isn't bad since you can get probably 10 (edit: maybe 20-30) uses out of it

Appearance: the packaging is great, but I wish the mask was in a better container so you could get every last drop of it
Smell: has a slight scent, but it's not that noticeable
Repurchase?: not sure yet

I would give this blackhead removal mask a score of : 8/10. I have never used pore strips before, so I have nothing to compare this to. I use a blackhead remover tool (the metal thing with a loop at the end) to remove the noticeable blackheads, but I'm not always getting the smaller ones. This masks makes it easy to remove all/almost all of my blackheads, it just takes lots of time to dry and is annoying to wash off. I do feel like I need to go back and redo the mask after each time because I am not getting all of the blackheads out.

Anyways, here's a warning for a picture of my results. 

Turn away if you do not want to look.

Here it is. Sorry I only have one, but all three attempts have pretty much looked the same.

Click on it to make it larger.

This is after my 2nd attempt, the 1st attempt looked pretty much the same

Update: Here are more pictures!

I think I got better at this, but either way, I still end up with some super stubborn blackheads on my nose. I have noticed fewer and fewer of them the more I do this!

ALSO: I got super lazy. I would just shower and splash my nose with hot water (that is bearable) and basically force my pores to open. I don't know if it works that way, but that's what I did. So, basically, I skipped steps 1 and never did step 3. 

Ew, look at the blackheads.

You can't really see them well here, since some "blackheads" are just air bubbles.

I could never get the "peeling" timing right; I could SEE my blackheads just breaking halfway and going back into my pores!
I would say step 2 was worth the $15.

Pro tip (not really pro): when you think you've run low on a product, cut open the container. I found soo many more uses (like 5) out of this when I did that! But the product gets more tackier as it is exposed to air, so make sure you use it quick!

I was not sponsored; I bought the product myself! And I say it worked nicely! :D


  1. The set comes in 3 separate bottles that are separate steps to this whole blackhead removing process.
    Step 1 and 3 come in a small 20ml white plastic bottles and Step 2 comes in a 60ml black squeeze tube bottle. blackhead removal strips

    1. Thanks for the information! I realize I didn't really say much about the product itself, and this definitely will help some people to see how many uses they can get out of it. I'd say it would last more than 20 times, unless you really use a lot of the blackhead mask (step 2). Steps 1 and 3 would last much longer since a little amount of each will spread very easily.

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