New shipping policy, cheaper prices! (You pay for shipping now, but it isn't so bad)
My order date: 14 Sept 2017
Date shipped out:
- according to email: 19 Sept 2017
- according to tracking provided by Beautynetkorea: 20 Sept 2017
- according to USPS tracking: 20 Sept 2017
Date received: pending (it has arrived to the US as of 24 Sept 2017), mostly likely arrive 27 Sept 2017
You may be thinking: wow, they're lying. They said they shipped it when it really didn't actually ship until 1 day later.
False! According to experience,
- not all post offices will ship things the day of
- the time you give the box to them can also determine if shipment will take a day longer
- Online companies buy shipping online
- they either hand the package over to the post office the next day
- they have it picked up (also on the next day).
A 5-day processing time is not bad at all; it decreases the chances of them canceling an item on you.
I did not really take note, but my Beautynetkorea packages usually take around 2-3 weeks to arrive. This seems to still hold true (I paid for the cheapest, available shipping cost).
Here is my order. I had to add everything in a shopping cart to see the "sale" prices. I also added the full sized items to Roseroseshop to compare shipping and prices.
I did not really take note, but my Beautynetkorea packages usually take around 2-3 weeks to arrive. This seems to still hold true (I paid for the cheapest, available shipping cost).
Here is my order. I had to add everything in a shopping cart to see the "sale" prices. I also added the full sized items to Roseroseshop to compare shipping and prices.
Costs: (first few Google searches)