Before the review, I'd like to let everyone know that:
I've had my phone for less than 2 weeks while waiting for the screen protector to arrive. I kept my phone in this fabric cover I made the whole time except when it was on my desk and in use, and my phone already has a scratch! It's small and you can barely feel it, but it is there. I was super surprised, and with all of the phones getting better and better, I thought this would not happen! I checked online and I'm not alone. So if you get this phone, make sure you order a screen protector in advance.
So this screen protector is plastic and once you spray this liquid solution on it, it is very pliable and able to bend and maintain its shape after some time to dry. There is a video on the ArmorSuit website giving you instructions on how to use everything.
My thoughts:
The screen protector is very easy to use and you can keep reapplying the protector if you mess up as long as you have more liquid solution. You can probably reapply the screen protector 4-7 times before running out.
If you follow the instructions and do everything right, the screen protector will look great. If you mess up, which is likely, you will risk getting dust onto the screen protector as one side is adhesive and difficult to get dust out.
If dust does get on the protector, just spray some solution and try to rub it off. This does make it possible for even more dust to get stuck, but work quickly and keep the screen protector wet. When you apply it, you will probably be able to move the dust off when scraping the screen protector because there is the solution to move it.
I've redone this like 5 times now (spent like an hour and a half on this), and I just keep getting finger prints and dust stuck. I finally got it to where I'm satisfied with the middle of the screen, but the edges have lots of dust on them because you need to wait around 10-15 minutes before you can press the edges down and actually stick.
Update (it has a life of its own!):
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge users that have been getting problems with their screen spazzing out:
it may be the screen protector.
Whenever I get off of a phone call (have my face maintaining constant pressure on the screen), I see that the screen is moving around pressing buttons all by itself. It stops after I lock the screen. I even was able to catch my phone spazzing out on video. Apparently, Samsung or the phone carriers have no idea what is going on, and their only solution is to either factory reset the phones or just give the customers new phones. One forum did say that it might be because of the screen protector.
This military shield screen protector is pliable, and since it "stretches" out when wet and with constant pressure, it is possible that it will shrink after a long period of time from heat and stuff. Here's a bad analogy, but it's like a sponge shriveling up when it dries. Since this is plastic, the "shriveling" process make take longer than a sponge, but it may eventually happen, especially if the weather is hot and you are using the screen/"moving it".
Theory #1: the heat created after a phone call may cause some parts of the screen protector to heat up and become pliable (aka "move"). That is why the screen moves around by itself.
Theory #1.5: and since only parts of the screen is heated up during a phone call, it is almost as if you are tapping it (it's heat sensitive, right?). That is why you will see that the screen is constantly tapping only one general area, and not just randomly.
These are just conjectures that may be the cause, but I really do not know. My screen only goes crazy after a phone call, so these are the most convincing for me. Then again, other people on the forums say that their screen just does this randomly, so it could be that the S7 Edge does have a mind of its own!
At least it's not exploding.
I would recommend this product, and I give the MilitaryShield for curved phones a rating of 8/10.
It's easy and works, and though it is around $10 or so, it's worth it. Reviews on other screen protectors claim to keep "popping off" or not work with phone cases, so though this protector has its flaws as well, it will stick and work.
And hey, I can't see the scratch under the protector! Woo!
Edit: I think I may have another scratch (I'm sure wasn't there before putting on the protector). It may be from dropping the phone too many times, or...I'm not sure.
I am not sponsored, and I bought this screen protector with my own money on Amazon. I actually wanted to get a cheap one on Aliexpress, but there weren't any reviews yet.